Sharing the Present, Building the Future

We have at least one sisterhood event per month which are fun opportunities to hang out with our sisters! Hiking, baking, painting, cookie decorating, and holiday parties are all examples of things we've done together.
May Day and Winter Tea
Every spring and winter we have a fun formal tea, where all the members of Devonshire come together to bond over delicious homemade food! This tradition was started by our founding members.
Football Games
We love cheering on our Boilermakers at football games throughout the semester, and we participate in tailgates with our football buddies!

Bigs & Littles
Our new members are matched up with an active member to form big & little pairings! This is a great opportunity for new members to have a close friend and mentor and form friendship for life.
Our main philanthropy is Action Against Hunger, an organization that is committed to end hunger. We also participate in various community service events on campus, such as the Wabash Sampling Blitz pictured above.
Barn Dance
We have a barn dance every fall, a fun tradition of dancing, music, and hay rides with our sisters and even other houses!

House Project
Our new member class completes a house project in the fall, where they plan and fundraise to update a section of the house! Recent projects have been the dining room, the laundry room, and the front porch.
Each fall new member class gets the opportunity to choreograph and perform a dance with their pledge class! They always have fun with this and it's a great chance to form stronger bonds.
After 10-12 weeks of new membership, we have an exciting activation ceremony where we welcome our new member class!